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Alumni Breakfast and Parade

Get your class together and celebrate our most recent class graduation!

In order to recognize your achievements as alumni of our school, the Alumni Association invites you to attend the Annual Alumni Breakfast and Parade on December 15 from 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. in the Overlook Cafe.
Since you'll be on campus to pick up your cap and gown for the Commencement Ceremony, make sure to stop by for a free pancake breakfast and give away items from the Alumni Association. And even if you are graduating but aren't participating in Commencement, we'd love to see you there.
Confirm your attendance by sending an email to or by calling (555) 255-1234 by December 11. Please give us your non-School email address when you respond so that we can stay in touch with you.
We look forward to seeing you there, and again, congratulations!
Jodie Hams, BA 2001, MPA 2004
Director of University Events and Alumni Relations